Configuring Grid for Flashy Aggro Warnings

I’m working on another post (feels like all my blog posts start like that…apparently the best way to finish a post is to start with a different one) and I really needed an aggro warnings for Grid walkthrough to link to. Until now, I’ve been linking to Dristanel’s, but her guide is part of a larger post. Besides, she doesn’t do aggro warnings the way I like them. So from now on, my blog, my aggro warning configurations.

I think what I use is the actually default aggro tracker because I’m so original like that, but for those who don’t have aggro tracking turned on, here’s how.

I haven’t used other raid frames in forever, but I’d assume that they’d be fairly similar to configure.

Start by clicking your grid icon or typing /grid config (don’t do like me and type /gridconfig in a single word, then spend 10 minutes trying to figure out why nothing happens) to pop open the configuration window.

Select Frame, under it select Border. On the right side of the configuration screen, a list should pop up. Check Aggro alert.

Make a mental note of the other boxes you may have checked. (Many people have “your target” and “low HP warning” checked under Border.)

Now go back to the left menu. Scroll down to Status and select Aggro alert. On the right side, make sure that Enable is checked and set priority to 99. Then click on the colour box to choose the colour you want. I went with the default red (even though the screenshot makes it look white) but you can be as unconventional as you want.

Alternatively, you can check the threat box. This enables your frames to show you different levels of threat from High Threat (almost pulling aggro- quick! Hand of Salvation), Aggro (OMG he just pulled) to Tanking (getting smacked).

As one last step, remember how I told you to make a mental note of other statuses you might be tracking under the border. Find them under status the same way you found aggro alert. Select them and in the rightside menu, set their priority lower than 99.

From now on, Grid squares will light up according to aggro.

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2 Comments on “Configuring Grid for Flashy Aggro Warnings”

  1. Deyndor Says:

    I’ve been looking for a decent threat setup for grid. Like always, you’re awesome Ophelie!

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