Secret Santa Guest Post: What to get a Bossy Pally for Christmas

Guess what was waiting for me in my email when I woke up on Christmas Eve! Yep, yep! A wonderful Christmas guest post all for me! I’m so excited! And the topic? Best choice EVAIRE!

My Secret Santa was none other than the excellent Phoenix from Azeroth Metblogs. Thank you so much!

Look – I know how you feel. You’ve been reading the musings of a certain bossy pally for a long time now – I have too – and you still don’t know what to get her for the holidays. Let me help you out, as someone who even has a pretty pally damage machine waiting just for those times when I want to haul off and hit something with a hammer.

But before I get to that, you need to understand how you relate to Paladinica Bossifica Spoonula. I’m a hunter by trade; the way we handle things is to be as far away from the Big Nasty as possible, steady our gaze, and pew pew pew to our heart’s content – if you spend more time looking at the pretty graphics than you do looking at your cooldowns and making sure you’re on top of when your next shot is ready to proc or that your AP trinkets are up, you’re doing something wrong.

The paladin, on the other hand, is a different, strange, bewildering beast. They hit things up close! They shoot a cloud of righteous fire out of the ground around them! It’s madness! Seriously, the quickest way to a paladin’s heart is to treat them right: understand the class, don’t start shooting until the consecrate goes off, don’t make them heal if they don’t want to, remember that as long as a paladin has mana it’s on, if your pally friend is of the holy variety make sure you give them plenty of room (but don’t go so far as to be out of their healing range!), and then you see them pop their wings, you’ve got some serious competition for the top of the damage meters, so turn up your game.

Okay, is that settled? Now that you understand the heart of the paladin, you may be wondering, what could I possibly get my dear bossy pally for the happiest of holidays? I have the perfect gift: Her very own brand new shiny hunter!

You think I’m kidding, I’m not! A paladin and a hunter? Killer combo when it comes to damage, rep grinding, dailies, leveling, anything! You don’t even have to worry about spec, regardless of your spec or the pally’s spec, you two are destined to make an awesome combination – no foe will stand in your way.

That being said, someone help me tie this bow around my waist? What!? Go find your own pally!

Ophie’s note: Yessssss! I get my own awesome hunter! Phoenix is MINE MINE MINE now! I bet he didn’t know this, but for the longest time in my WoW playing career, my partner in crime
was a hunter. And he’s right, a pally/hunter team rocks. My teammate has long since been forced to leave the game and I miss him a lot. (I can’t help myself: “A new hunter? For me? I hope I don’t break him this time!”) Thank you again so very much, Phoenix!

EDIT: Forgot to add the links! Sorry about that! Fixed now!

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8 Comments on “Secret Santa Guest Post: What to get a Bossy Pally for Christmas”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by phoenix, Ophelie. Ophelie said: Got my awesome Kris Kringle post! Thank you so much @halophoenix […]

  2. phoenix Says:

    /bows and fluffs the festive bow around his waist

    I’m so glad you like it! And I had no idea you’re familiar with the pally/hunter combo. Well, you have one now, just shine the phoenix signal and I’ll be right over! (I see that XT-002 gag at the end! I see what you did there!) 😀

    Happy Holidays, and thank YOU for posting this, and for participating in the Kris Kringle!

  3. Morlin Says:

    I have my own pally tank/hunter combo! Although, they are on the same account so I can’t actually play with them together, but I’m glad I have both to choose from! =)

  4. Anea Says:

    Great post! I’m going to have to find a hunter for my pally now… hopefully one that comes with a bow as well!

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